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Social network

In today's life is very difficult to do not have access to social networks. I almost can not imagine how the world would be, even though just for a week, if we have not our notebooks and smartphones.

The fact is that there are in social networks a bunch of necessities like jobs, studies, entertainment, communications, etc.. In terms of history, the internet is very young but the numbers of users have been growing increasingly.

I used to think that this evolution is very important to the humankind, eleven that now we can participate in many fields like politics or education in virtual environments. That provides more integrations among people around the world and makes the processes quicker, more dynamic and even fun for the youngers.

Of course, there are some reasons that make some people think differently from me. I understand them, by the reason that in many circumstances it can separate people, making them live just the virtual world and almost forget the exist a real one or even because there are crimes online, which makes many people afraid of using it.

To conclude, in my opinion, it is crucial to know how to divide the time to do not have problems with these important tools. We have to be aware of many good possibilities that it can bring for us and, at the same time, use it consciously. 


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