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Social network

In today's life is very difficult to do not have access to social networks. I almost can not imagine how the world would be, even though just for a week, if we have not our notebooks and smartphones. The fact is that there are in social networks a bunch of necessities like jobs, studies, entertainment, communications, etc.. In terms of history, the internet is very young but the numbers of users have been growing increasingly. I used to think that this evolution is very important to the humankind, eleven that now we can participate in many fields like politics or education in virtual environments. That provides more integrations among people around the world and makes the processes quicker, more dynamic and even fun for the youngers. Of course, there are some reasons that make some people think differently from me. I understand them, by the reason that in many circumstances it can separate people, making them live just the virtual world and almost forget the exist a real one or eve...

Summary chpt1 "Origins: From Folk-Tale to Art-Tale" by Paul March-Russel

Summary of Chapter One Origins: From Folk-Tale to Art-Tale Book: The Short Story: An Introduction by Paul March-Russell, 2009 ________________________________________________________________ Universidade Federal do Ceará DELILT - Centro de Humanidades Literatura em Língua Inglesa I Prof.ª Lola Aronovich 2018.1 ________________________________________________________ Paul March-Russel begins telling us that the earliest recorded references to the term "short story" is from the Oxford English Dictionary, in the late eighteenth century. Subsequently, Anthony Tropole, Wilkie Collins, Raymond Williams, are cited as writers from that time that had also used the term. The coinage of the new name was grounded in the late nineteenth century, given the fact that there was a need to represent in language a cultural change, a shift in consciousness in society. In effect, some writers seemed to reject the new term to define their pieces of writing. Hence, they stood referring to the genre...

Critical review-American Civilization, JONES, 2013

JONES, Charles A. "American civilization", Volume 2, February 2013, Human Figurations, Permalink: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.11217607.0002.104 Reading the title "American civilization" we may think of the many aspects we can talk about it such as the political, social or economic background. The author, Charles Arthur Jones, is an emeritus college professor from the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at Cambridge University. In his very current article from 2013, he makes points accurately about the abovementioned scenarios. Furthermore, he delineates the concept of civilization, discusses frontiers, cultural and social differences, modernity, and compiles some historical facts to base his arguments. The paper is a shortened version of the homonymous book, written by the same author and, published in 2007. The article organized into subheadings, which in the end, conveys the purpose of showing the challenging nature of cultural differences...

Self evaluation - Literature I - 2018.1

The present piece of writing is a result of the necessity to share my point of view about the Literature I course. We have been having great evenings with presentations by the exquisite professor Lola Aronovich and also by our classmates. Besides that task, we have had discussions on the respective subjects that each short story brought up. It is essential to notice that, since the beginning, the professor was very polite, careful and critical with us during our presentations. She always gave us space for expressing ourselves freely, but of course, making her points about historical, political, social and cultural facts/curiosities that might have influenced the authors. There have been precious moments for my learning process. In the first class, professor Lola explained prose and short story as a whole and, how the course was intended to work. After that, along the course, we were requested to write some papers to deliver it to obtain some extra points for our final grade. A very e...

Short essay - Literature I - 2018.1

Among the interesting short stories we have read so far in this first literature course, many characters caught my attention. In this piece of writing, I will share my opinions about my favorite and least favorite characters from two different authors: Alice Munro and Raymond Carver. Their titles are respectively "Boys and Girls" (1968) and "They're not your husband" (1971). As mentioned in the first paragraph, my favorite character is from Alice Munro's short story "Boys and Girls". I had presented about gender in it one class, and that is one reason, but not the principal motivation for me to approve this character more than the others. The unnamed girl seems to acquire similar attitudes and thoughts as the sexist men around her in the farm do so. Despite that, in the end, she still being polite, respectful when she accepts the condition that her father, here representing men's power, imposes to being "only" a girl. As long as we...

Must celebrities have a social responsibility?

There is a huge debate about celebrities' social responsibility. Worldwide many celebrities have been getting into political and social causes. In Brasil, for example, Gilberto Gil, Chico César, Fernanda Lima, Letícia Sabatela, Wagner Moura, Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso are some of the well-known artists who support social, political and cultural movements. First of all, it's important to know that everyone has social responsibilities. Since we live in communities, being responsible for your fellow human being passes through thinking about education in a macro sight. Some people believe that celebs must be role models once they are famous. On the other hand, there are people who judge this discussion from different points of view. as social individuals, every person has rights. The question is: how has media been dealing with the privacy of those celebs? - what is the media role? - Somebody could argue that regardless of being a public figure they have the right to privacy. In...

Defining and non-defining relative clauses and participle clauses

Improving our speaking and writing has to do with how much we know about the language we speak. There is a good reason to study grammar deeper. The present essay intends to do a brief explanation of two interesting and very useful grammar topics: defining and non-defining relative clauses and participle clauses. First of all, we may distinguish when we use these two types of clauses: defining relative clauses are used when some information is important to specify what is being talked about. On the other hand, non-defining relative clauses are used when this information is not relevant or is only additional. An interesting characteristic is that this last one always uses commas. Relative clauses are sometimes referred to as adjective clauses. They are constructed by using relative pronouns such as "that", "which", "who", "whom", "whose" etc. in order to refer to people or things in a sentence. It is important to remember that we do not u...

What is good about Fashion?

Does fashion dictate rules for the way people might dress up? Sometimes, it can be good for some people. To other, it could be a huge problem and that creates a huge debate around the question: what is the most important, aesthetics or comfort? To be "well-dressed", we know, may not be an easy task. In the ordinary notion, some people could say that you must be aware of the fashion world's tendencies. Likewise, that you need to have a good job, in which you earn a good money, since to be a stylish-looking person is not cheap. On the other hand, there are many people who do not care about rules, tendencies, combining and other fashion world's features. Those people invent their own ways to dress up reusing, reinventing their clothes in order to save money and even more important, to avoid consumerism in excess.

The legal age for drinking alcohol

Worldwide many countries have differents rules about the ideal age for drinking alcohol. The arguments vary among people who think that the right age is 18; others believe that 19 should be better, whereas it is a half term. Differently, some people agree that 21 is the correct age for young adults to drink. People who are pro decreasing the limit age for drinking usually stand their opinions saying that increasing is not an effective strategy to avoid youth to do it. They believe that this issue should be prevented by educational programs to provide information about the risks of alcoholism. On the other hand, people who hold on that the prohibition age should be increased, argue that alcohol brings others issues attached to it - traffic accidents, unplanned pregnancy and criminality for example. As far as I am concerned, this is not a simple debate in which we have right or wrong points of views. Both have their reasons and concerns. Even though, personally, I think that there is m...

The importance of Education is underestimated now

Could you imagine how the world would be if humankind had not developed itself? We would never have technologies, know how to cook, how to cure diseases and so on. Probably you would never be reading my thoughts on this piece of paper. When we talk about education there is no way to dissociate from knowledge. It has to do with the behavior, speech, respect and even care for one to another. Going deeper into the discussion about the importance of education we will see that it is the only way to make real changes. Worldwide we have been facing many social issues such as poverty iniquity global warming economic and political instability. The change that we are seeking is made by educating people. On the other hand, to make it real it is necessary to give people access to good quality education there are many official documents that in theory guarantee to every person the right to be educated in some cases it does not work but we all must insist on it. In the end, we need to be conscious ...

Produção textual para cadeira de literatura na faculdade

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ CENTRO DE HUMANIDADES I TEORIA DA LITERATURA II PROFº: ATILIO BERGAMINI As principais ideias discutidas no livro "O clamor de Antígona" (2000), escrito por Judith Butler (1956), refletem sobre questões gênero, sobre as crises contemporâneas nas formas de parentesco e de representação política. Em seus argumentos e questionamentos, a autora dialoga com as reflexões de outros pensadores como Luce Irigaray (1930), Hegel (1770) e Jacques Lacan (1901), tendo como objeto comum de interpretação a tragédia Antígona (442 a.C.), escrita por Sófocles. Basicamente, o enredo da peça teatral gira em torno das ações de Antígona, uma das quatro descendentes do caso incestuoso de Édipo e Jocasta, sua mãe e esposa. As ações desenvolvidas pela protagonista tendem a contrariar as leis do Estado, ditadas pelo rei Creonte, que é também seu tio materno. O paradigma que se coloca é o de obedecer às leis do Estado e, inversamente, desobedecer às leis do parentesco ao en...